The corporate world is an intricate web of multiple operations divided among numerous departments. Moreover, there are lots of people involved in the setup – employees, administrators, vendors, supplies, customers, associates and others. In such a deeply interwoven system, one incident of commercial fraud can cause untold problems for the entire organisation. In fact, if you don’t take immediate action, your company could take a very serious beating both in terms of reputation and finances.

Business Litigation Unit
Our dynamic approach enables our solicitors to provide immediate advice and support to those who are either under suspicion or investigation.

Serious Fraud Office Investigations
We pride ourselves on having the skills to negotiate with the SFO at the earliest opportunity to use all our legal knowledge to avoid a prosecution.

Account Freezing Orders
Account Freezing Orders (AFOs) are becoming more prevalent and more frequently used in financial investigations.

Unexplained Wealth Orders
A UWO can be issued against items worth more than £50,000, therefore it is vital that intelligent and accurate legal advice is taken as a matter of course.